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Cemetery Maps
Please Read
The maps accessible here include cemeteries within the area commonly known as Jewish Waldheim, including cemeteries that do not receive care from Waldheim Cemetery Co. Please consult the maps to confirm the correct caretaker. Waldheim Cemetery Co. is not responsible for cemeteries for which it does not provide care.
Click links below for cemetery gate names or Piser map (annotated). Both provide caretaker/sexton information
along with gate names and numbers.
If you know your cemetery’s gate number or general area, click on the map below for a more detailed map.

General Map
Gates 1-31
Gates 34-61
Gates 90-130
Gates 200-300
Menorah Gardens Cemetery
Maps are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a land survey map.
Grave Information
It is the policy of Waldheim Cemetery Co. to limit grave information solely to grave location and/or date of death in order to protect the privacy of our customers. All inquiries on grave location and/or date of death must be made in written form. Kindly allow up to three weeks for your inquiry to be processed.
This information may be submitted after completing the information below and clicking on the submit button located at the bottom of this page or faxed to our offices at (708) 366-4575.
Any fields containing an asterisk * are Required
Waldheim Request Info
Update Your Cemetery Records
In order for the cemetery to maintain the critical ownership information of your family graves, please take a minute to update your records.
This information can be submitted by clicking on the submit button on the bottom of this page or by e-mailing us at: [email protected]
You can also print this page and mail it to:
Ownership Records
Waldheim Cemetery Co.
1400 Des Plaines Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
or via fax at (708) 366-4575
Of course, all information remains confidential. It is not shared with anyone and remains the property of Waldheim Cemetery Co.
Any fields containing an asterisk * are Required
Waldheim Update Record
This form is used to update burial records found in Waldheim Cemetery Co.